Clients Testimonials

In Hofer company we are aware of the importance of our customer satisfaction and we are therefore striving for improvements and development in this area on a daily basis. With the company Skrivnostni nakup, with which we have been cooperating for the second year, we are given an insight into the buying experience of our customers. The results show our positive as well as weak points of our business and serve us as excellent basis to take further steps in the field of education and development of our employees who are in direct contact with our customers on a daily basis.
We have chosen the Skrivnostni nakup due to their professional approach to the implementation, flexibility and structured reports, on which we can carry out further activities in the field of customer service.
Hofer d.o.o.
Anita Vajs,
Head of sales

With regular implementation of mystery shopping we want to upgrade the education of our employees, because we can direct them, based on the results, to the areas where they could be even better. Mystery shopping has brought us new invaluable information on how customers perceive our brand, stores and of course our employees with whom we regularly share this information.
We decided on the company Skrivnostni nakup d.o.o., since we wanted to obtain equivalent results in both of our largest markets (Slovenia and Croatia) – the company also has an easy and several different ways to access the report.
Metro d.d.
Barbara Vilfan
Head of Retail

What gets measured, gets managed’ – Peter Drucker’s famous statement that reminds us that we can manage only what is measured. Since the satisfaction of our customers is very important in our company, we decided long ago on a long-term collaboration with the company Skrivnostni nakup d.o.o.
Cooperation based on a professional approach, current knowledge and open communication and good mutual understanding allows us to check at regular intervals whether the processes are being carried out as planned, how we are perceived by customers and what are their expectations. This allows us to continually devote ourselves to activities that are intended to look beyond their expectations. A mirror may not always show the best images, but it provides us with an objective basis for continuous improvement in both our products and services, as well as the sales process in general. And this is essential, because in this way we prove to our customers that they are important to us in accordance with the slogan ‘Your story-your bank – Sberbank’.
Sberbank d.d.
Roman Budna
Procurator, director of Retail Banking

In our company, we are regularly conducting mystery shopping for the second year. They represent one of the segments in which we want to continue to upgrade our customer service.
Consequently, the results of the purchases are carefully analyzed and used as a basis for the development of further training of retail staff,directing attention to identified deficiencies. We use results as a tool for reward because we reward sellers who achieve the best estimations and publicly commend them to their co-workers.
The collaboration with the company Skrivnostni nakup d.o.o., both in the implementation of mystery shopping and organizing relevant training, has been assessed as very successful. More and more praise from customers who are satisfied with the professional and personal approach of our sellers is certainly an indicator of successful collaboration and suggests that we are improving our customer service.
NAMA d.d.
Mira Koporčić Veljić

In Abanka we are conscious of how important the satisfaction of our customers is, and we are constantly trying to justify the reputation of the bank with friendly people.This is contributed to mostly by our employees who are in daily contact with customers. With the help of the company Skrivnostni nakup d.o.o., with whom we have cooperated for many years, every year we measure how satisfied customers are with the services provided by our employees and how satisfied they are with the method of implementation of these services. Mystery shopping conducted by mystery shoppers in our branches across Slovenia allows us an insight into the actual situation on the ground and enables comparison of customer satisfaction among our offices as well as some comparisons to a competitive environment in local environments. Also, the results show qualities and weaknesses of employees and serve as a major platform for seminars and training in which we try together with sales specialists, who are in direct contact with customers, to find solutions to provide better quality services to customers and ensure adequate quality of service.
The company Skrivnostni nakup d.o.o. is with no doubt a successful team and with relevant advice, experience and the required knowledge provides expertise, discretion and quality in the implementation of even the most demanding mystery shopping.
Abanka Vipa d.d.
mag. Rinalda Klemenčič,
Head of marketing

We decided to use mystery shopping in order to get an objective evaluation of our employees, through the eyes of the customer. We wanted to know where our weak points were and what we could do about them. We also wanted to show our sales staff how crucial their role is in the overall success of the business. After the mystery shopping evaluation and seminar, where we analyzed the sales process and results, sales did indeed improve. Our employees started to implement certain techniques, that wouldn’t have been understood before, during their sales and this has contributed to more positive results. We noticed positive changes in the recognition of the customer’s needs, and in the advice given to the customer. The results of Mystery Shopping evaluations were presented in a way, so that we could discuss them with each employee individually, and discuss where they could make improvements, e.g. what to change and how to go about that change. Two months later, we repeated the evaluation and the results were significantly better.
Among the companies that provide the mystery shopping service, we decided to use Skrivnostni nakup d.o.o., because we liked their approach. Evaluation was not provided from students, who probably wouldn’t be serious and aren’t our target group. Mystery shopping was performed by those who also buy our products. Their approach was different, it was more professional. They adjusted to our needs. In comparison to other companies, before the project implementation, they did not require a lot of additional work from us, but instead made a lot of effort to facilitate our work. They were always very professional and flexible.
Before the decision was made, whether or not to engage the services of a mystery shopping company, we often hesitated, thinking it would be a waste of money. However, the results speak for themselves, business sales have improved and the investment has been recouped.
AD Vita d.o.o.
Zorica Kostić,
brand manager
Employee Testimonials
When I learned that the company had started to use mystery shopping I became worried and I had many questions. I thought a lot about everything and put even more effort into my daily work. Eventually I convinced myself that I work well and I had no worry regarding the mystery shopping. Confirmation came soon, as in one of the mystery shopping evaluations I ended up being the best rated seller. I was very happy about that, and also with the reward that I received from the company management. Today I look at mystery shopping in a very positive way, as it motivates us to improve our work.
Retail Seller from Nama
I had often heard about ‘mystery shopping’. The thought that someone would evaluate me was not pleasant. In fact, I felt very uncomfortable. I was afraid that I was going to change as a seller, that I would always have to remember to explain everything that I knew to everyone who just peeked his head into the store. I was afraid that the mystery shopper wouldn’t like me or my sales procedure, my way of speaking, or presentation, etc. So the days passed by and one day the boss told us that the evaluation had been concluded, and the results would be known.
And so we found out. There was nothing terrible about it at all! At that moment I understood the rationale behind mystery shopping. We found out our weaknesses, and weak parts of the sales process, and learned where we could improve. At the beginning probably every employee thinks that with mystery shopping, the boss wants to evaluate him and find out what he’s doing wrong by any means. That’s a mistake. The boss probably wants employees to perform better and would like to know where there is room for improvements or changes necessary to make the results even better.
When you find out you’re not as bad as you thought, basically that you’re doing it right, you get a confirmation and are more self-confident; at the end even customers notice this and there are positive effects on sales. If the seller is self-confident and operates as if he believes in the products he is selling, the buyer will believe too.
So there is no need to fear … mystery purchases are ok. 🙂
Retail seller from Vitapur-Hitex
As a saleswoman I often wondered how customers see me and evaluate my work. Everyone thinks themselves to be a good salesman / saleswoman. But what does it mean to be good ?
In our profession, who is good and who is not good in the selling process is evident right away – either you sell or don’t sell. However, in my opinion, there has to be more to it.
So I was very happy when we were told about mystery shopping evaluation. I was eager that someone who doesn’t know me would evaluate my work, so they would tell me what I was doing well, and what I needed to change or improve. I have to admit that I was completely relaxed during the days when mystery shopping evaluation was announced. I wasn’t worried about customers – who would come and what they would ask. I treat every customer the same; I try to be professional, friendly and try to give the customer as much information as I know about the product he is interested in. I never found out who the mystery shopper was as I didn’t recognize him or her.
I was happy that I received commendation for my evaluation. I also got feedback information on what I needed to change to improve myself. Now I try to stick to the given guidelines and when a customer enters the store, I welcome her in a friendly manner with, “Good afternoon, madam, what can I show you today?